You are hereAPB: Keith's Handsome Bike got STOLEN from INSIDE The Jackelope
APB: Keith's Handsome Bike got STOLEN from INSIDE The Jackelope
I just read the sad news that Keith B's Handsome Devil got stolen last night from INSIDE The Jackelope.
my handsome bike got stolen. i parked it inside the jackalope for 5 minutes and someone ganked it.

This is a rather unique bike around town, as I have yet to see another creme colored Handsome on the streets, nor one with drop bars as opposed to the mustache bars you see in all their ads. If ANYONE see's Keith's bike out and about, please let him know, or give me a call: 512-699-1564. Wow, I haven't heard about a bike being stolen from INSIDE the bar before. Guess this is a reason to lock that shit up even if you're bringing it in with you. What a fucking asshole.
Thief, if you're reading this you better watch your six. You just pissed off a whole lot of people.
I test rode a creme Handsome at Ozone in early August, so there could be others out there...or this could be the same bike...either way it's definitely a rarity. Sorry to hear that yours was stolen, KB. It's a pretty one.
I totally agree with that invertedpencil dude and will do the same. Kieth, you got a whole lotta people who got your back mang. And I'm happy to say that I am one of "um". Bike Patrol On Duty Sir. I also agree with felfel... Pinche Puto, Culedo, Mamado, Ojete, Desgraciado. Te vamos a pescar! And uh... Yeah. we will look for you, we will hunt you down like a rabid dog, we will find you, and you will pay
Son of a bitch must pay.
Keith - that bike is so sweet. I will definitely keep an eye out for it on the southside.
i just saw that on CL and thought, "damn, i saw keith riding that same bike last night". totally fucked, i guess we should start carrying our scalping blades on the social ride.'s well worth it to make a police report if you have the serial number. I just had a camera returned when a crackhead pawned it. This was only possible because of inclusion of the serial number in the police report. The cops and pawn shops swap info every night to figure out what stolen shit has made it to the loan sharks. Good luck.
and if this helps anyone, the serial number is 666016.
Mark of the beast
i will give anyone $300 dollars if they can return my bike... and a bonus if you knock the motherfucker out who stole it. seriously. bike thief, you now have a bounty on your head. how the fuck does that feel?
thanks to everyone. you guys are great.
keith is a cool dude. that is fucked up. im gonna keep my eyes open.
One way or another that bike is getting back to Keith.
You bet your ass it is. Keith has too many friends looking for it to be gone too long. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck bike thieving is disgusting.