You are hereCity Council Meeting - Texting ban and 3-foot passing ordinance up for a vote!
City Council Meeting - Texting ban and 3-foot passing ordinance up for a vote!
Nadia Barrera with the CoA's Bike/Ped program just sent out word that the text for the 3-foot passing ordinance was up on the City Council website:
Please note that the 3-foot passing ordinance will be up for a vote by City of Austin City Council THIS Thursday, October 22nd.
You can read the text of the item online at: is agenda item 30.
You may also register your support or opposition to the ordinance by using the kiosks provided in the atrium of City Hall beginning today, Monday the 19th (much like many of you did for the Bicycle Plan).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
You can read about agenda item on their site, or download the text of the ordinance (pdf) if you want to know what it actually says. If you're pdf-impaired, I've copied the meat of the text here so you too can view it on your lynx browser, you freaking Luddite.
Like last time (for the bike plan update), you can show up before the meeting (starting this morning) and sign up IN FAVOR or OPPOSED to the ordinance at any of the kiosks in the lobby area (City Hall is at Caesar Chavez and Guadalupe). They run you through metal detectors and x-rays, so leave anything illegal at home please.
This is gonna be another big one, so if you can afford the time please show up and make your presence known by signing in favor, and sticking around to show your support in person. If nothing else it should be interesting to see who the opposition to this ordinance is. It's going to be a MORNING MEETING (as in 9:55am), so if you're jobless or your schedule is flexible, make the best of it and BE THERE!