You are hereCyclist Ian McDougall injured by a car last weekend, looking to raise monies for medical bills
Cyclist Ian McDougall injured by a car last weekend, looking to raise monies for medical bills
The following message regarding Ian McDougall (guitarist of the Riverboat Gamblers) was just posted to a Tumblr blog and is making the facebook rounds right now:
Hello all,
It’s definitely been a trying few days. On the night of Saturday October 17th, while riding his bike home, a car hit Ian Mcdougall, guitarist of our band Riverboat Gamblers. He sustained some pretty heavy injuries including a broken hip, a broken wrist and hemmoraging under the skull along with many lacerations, torn ligaments, bruises and and scrapes.
He was rushed by ambulance to Brackenridge hospital in Austin and stayed in the ICU for 2 days before being moved into his own room where he is undergoing physical therapy while awaiting the results on X-rays and MRIs as well as a deluge of other various tests.
That being said, the prognosis is better than we had first thought. We are happy that he is going to be ok and that he is alive and with us. Unfortunately, not only is he in for a long recovery and is in a lot of pain, but he will be celebrating his birthday in bed with hospital food.
On another unfortunate note, there are a pile of bills currently gaining a Mt. Everest-like summit from all his hospital expenses. We set up a PayPal account for our band mate and friend to try and help him get on top of the debt and focus on his recovery. His PayPal account email is Anything you can afford to give will be greatly appreciated by Ian and his family. Thank you all for your support and we wish Ian the speediest of recoveries.

Damn man. If anyone can help this cat out, people are taking donations for him on their blog, or you can just send it directly to him via paypal using his email address (above). Rough. Hope you heal up quick Ian!
... because if it is, based on what this guy said, it's pretty obvious that the accident was the motorist's fault, and he ought to be paying. And this post should help show who's fault the accident was. (I already responded here to that rant.)
Date: 2009-10-18, 8:50PM CDT
Cyclist on Lamar
I want to post this on Missed Connections for the irony of it!
Guy on a bike pedalling hard on the sidewalk just N of 6th street past Book People. I lost site of you and forgot you were there. When I turned in for coffee you fucking ran into me! You fucking BITCH!
Someone called 911 and the ambulance took you away and then I had this shit dealing with the police.. I couldn't tell if they wanted to lock me up more or have me press charges against you. I thank God I turn on my blinkers EVERY TIME I TURN!
I know you totalled your bike and I'm sorry for that but my insurance won't pay for what you did.
Wow. What cruelty.
No matter where we ride, on the road or off, people just loathe us for whatever reason.
He has rocked my night many times. Very talented and cool guy.