You are hereWednesday Assault Ride #37 - No theme but it meets at that fish taco place...

Wednesday Assault Ride #37 - No theme but it meets at that fish taco place...

By Jason - Posted on 01 December 2009

By Jason - Posted on 01 December 2009

12/01/2009 - 11:56pm

Earlier tonight I received an email from Eric, one of the local stereo guys and regular of the Wednesday Assault Ride, letting me in on their plans for tomorrow's ride:

WAR founder Mat Thompson will be unavailable (again) to lead us on a biking tour of the barroms, lounges, saloons, and watering holes of Austin. The good news is the show will go on. The other good news is there will be no cute blog entry or theme this time around. It will be dark, cold and hopefully not wet.

Meet: Wed 12/2/09. Wahoo's Fish Taco, 509 Rio Grande. We'll head out around 7:15 to parts unknown. Get there early if you want grab a bite beforehand.

Wahoo's has some of the best tacos in town, fish or not. If you're not into tacos, their bowls are the bomb and they have a decent selection of beer, so why not cruise down and meet up with the crew before a brisk and possibly wet ride out into the wilds of downtown Austin.

Don't forget your lights, and some bucks for the beers.

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