You are hereAustin Bike Zoo presents: 1st Night Costume making workshop
Austin Bike Zoo presents: 1st Night Costume making workshop
The folks from the Austin Bike Zoo are inviting the community to join them this Sunday out at the HOPE Farmers Market (5th and Waller) from 11am to 3pm for a costume building workshop:
New Years is fast approaching and the Bike Zoo is inviting folks to come celebrate with us during the 1st Night Austin Grand Procession. Bicycle animals will be rolling the streets and we will be creating a bit of new performance work. We would love to have folks join us to celebrate the joy, grace and beauty of riding bicycles by creating beautiful costumes that embody what makes them feel beautiful, graceful and amazing while pedaling. We will be doing costume making workshops around town prior to the event so come out and join us, get ideas and/or work on your own gorgeousness at home and come ride with us on New Years Eve. More details to come, but in the meantime we hope to see you this Sunday for costume fun and farmer's market goodies!
If you want to know what all this "First Night" business is all about, check out Brian Birzer's photos from last year:

Who WOULDN'T want to ride in that parade? And that was just the first year! This time around they're going to go even BIGGER, and to do it they need your help so show up Sunday and get your costuming on!