You are hereAustin Chronicle article on helmet law features Critical Mass picture
Austin Chronicle article on helmet law features Critical Mass picture
So it looks like the Austin Chronicle's own Dan Mottola (you might recognize him from some of the rides) wrote an article on that farcical Seton helmet safety study. Feel free to check it out if you have the chance. The article does a good job of presenting both sides, including quotes from Dob D'Amico (head of the League of Bicycle Voters) and also mentions last weeks' Critical Mass ride. Overall a decent article, my only beef with the article is that it begins by saying "Nearly 100 bicyclists took to the streets last Friday for Critical Mass...". C'mon Dan, nearly ONE hundred? As usual the ride dwindled in number after a while, but it started out with over 200 riders in attendance and stayed pretty strong throughout downtown. When I'm taking pics/shooting video I try to get a good crowd shot to get an accurate count but unfortunately I forgot to dig out the camera until half-way through so I don't have a good early shot. Anyone else get one?

Look, we're famous!
You beat me to the bunch Jason, I was going to maybe blog about that today....
~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst