You are hereAh, that old familiar song... Dirt Derby cancelled, Alleycross race is ON!
Ah, that old familiar song... Dirt Derby cancelled, Alleycross race is ON!
Details are still being hashed out, but I've heard from reliable sources (aka. the organizers) that there's going to be an Alleycat race taking up the slack for the once-again cancelled Dirt Derby.
Methinks that maybe the sponsors of the Dirt Derby should look into backing an event that actually happens regularly. Might get the word out on your products in a more constructive fashion. Hell, look what 2 organizers with no budget and a couple facebook/blog posts have pulled off with their near-weekly Alleycross races; imagine what they'd be able to accomplish with sponsorship and the support of a bike shop or two. Just a thought...
Flyer for tonight's Alleycross race will be posted when I get it.
Update: DIY rules:

6:45pm on the bridge. Get dirty.