You are hereTime to go to meetin'!
Time to go to meetin'!
No not that meetin', this meetin'. You've got 30 minutes until the start of things, but it runs until 8pm so if you're a typical Austin biker (30-45 minutes late to everything) you'll still be cool. I don't care if you want cars and bikes, no cars, no bikes, if you have an opinion you need to GET YOUR ASS TO THE MEETING. This is a big deal because this goes beyond paint on asphalt, and is the first REAL test of the updated bike plan. This engagement will no doubt set a precedent on how the city and its' citizenry interact over planned bicycle improvements, and if the plan goes into effect like I'm hoping and praying it will, we have a lot more of these meetings to look forward to. If you're a cyclist and you give a damn about Austin's cycling infrastructure, bike down to Pease Elementary (11th and Rio Grande) and be a part of this. If you want more info check out the CoA's Nueces Bike Boulevard info site. Boom, now you know everything.