You are hereFiremans Texas Cruzer presents: 3rd Annual Holiday Ride!
Firemans Texas Cruzer presents: 3rd Annual Holiday Ride!
Over the weekend I got word of a ride being put on by the local bike fabricator Firemans Texas Cruzer, builders of 100% US Made 24", 26" and 29" BMX Cruiser bikes. Though they sell their bikes nationwide, they originate from deep in the heart of Austin, TX. Here are the full details on next weekend's ride, straight from the organizers:

Firemans is celebrating the Holidays with a cruise for brews . We'll be meeting up at Ozone Bike Department at noon on Saturday, December 19th. 3202 Guadalupe, next to Thundercloud subs. Come 'round to the back of the shop to meet the group pre-ride. The overall distance may be 15 miles or more, and we will have a variety of stops along the way where we can eat, drink and be merry. We encourage anyone with a bike to come join us. You don't have to ride a Firemans, nor even a cruiser. Twenties, fixies, tall bikes, trikes, unicycles, you-name-it. All are welcome to come join in this social paced ride. We just want to enjoy some good ATX cycling fun with a good group of folks. Pleas pass the word.
There you have it folks. While you don't HAVE to ride a cruiser bike, if you've got one why not bring it out and represent? Since this ride is being run by the Firemans folks (and there's a "Real Ale" logo on the flyer) expect some drinking of the ol' #4 to go down. Damn good bikes, damn good beer; my kinda people. I don't own a Firemans, but I've got a bike that I think'll do nicely with the addition of some cruiser bars. Hey Cullen, where you at?
Come on out and Cruze; don't cost nothin' & Everyone is Welcome!!! Weather is supposed to be Great!!!