You are hereHey other Jason, wanna call Lance a "douche" a third time?

Hey other Jason, wanna call Lance a "douche" a third time?

By Jason - Posted on 15 December 2009

By Jason - Posted on 15 December 2009

Just saw this on the Facebooks:

Hey Austin, Lance will be in the shop tomorrow with photographer Elizabeth Kreutz at 5:30pm signing his new book Comeback 2.0. Limit one book per person so bring a friend and come early!

Ever wanted to say hey to Lance in his store, or call him on some douche-y behavior? Tomorrow's your chance! Yes there's a story behind the title.

Come on man. It's been months since Lance wasted any water or tried to use his status at a music club. Give him a break!

When I met him, he was gracious and a good conversationalist. And he entertained the hell out of me watching the last tour.

Maybe we should just praise him for all his douchacity and his great achievements in and outside the sport of douche.

The backstory of the douche mention was a friend of mine named Jason happened to have hung out with Lance twice, and he was an incredible douche to someone else both times and Jason called him on it with a loud "Douche!" to his face. I was just hoping to line up an opportunity for Jason to call "douche" a third time.

Honestly, I've never met the fella but I HAVE tried a Michelob Ultra, and anyone who can hold a bottle of that shit with a smile on their face is at least 1/4 douche.

Douchacity alright, and still we got the Lance AlotOfStopSigns Doucheway.

Douche or not he was good. Personally, I still like Miguel Induraín better though. And let's wait to see how are the next tours for Contador before discussing it with the grandkids.

Understood. I, too, prefer Miguel over Lance (i met Indurain, too. I have the autographs to prove it). He was here in '98 for the Ride for the Roses. My opinion is that Contador lacks the class, the leadership, and tactical know-how to win tours on the scale of these others. Don't forget: there are cobbles on the route next year and Contador weighs about 98lbs-he won't make the selection after that stretch. Only time will tell, though.

Lance IS a douchebag, sure (i met him before he won in '99 and have a couple autographs). But he's also the finest Tour de France cyclist anyone in the world will ever see (including your great grand kids). Whether i like the man or not, i respect the sport more.

... they're gonna rocks your socks off!

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