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APB: 'tis the season for BIKE THIEVERY!

By Jason - Posted on 15 December 2009

By Jason - Posted on 15 December 2009

First up is an email I received from our own CoA Bicycle Program employee Nadia Barrera. While I'm pretty sure the bike thief didn't know who they were stealing from, robbing a public servant of their bike like this is fucking bunk:

I got my bicycle stolen some time between 10:30 PM last night and 8:30 AM this morning.

It has a black GT mountain bike frame and hybrid tires, a green/blue sticker with white letters that say, “MAKE BIKE NOT CAR.”

It has upright, moustache handlebars with black grips that have white stars.

It has a black milk crate bungee corded to the back.

Please keep your eyes out for it and watch out for your own stuff. TIS THE SEASON FOR THEIVERY!!!


I'm glad so many of my friends have such unique bikes. Makes them easier to spot whe out and about. If you happen to see the aforementioned GT, please let Nadia know. If that wasn't enough, I also received the following two emails over the weekend highlighting a few other stolen bicycles:

I was wondering if I could add a heads up to your site about my stolen bike. My bike was stolen sometime between December 11-13 from the Cole Apartment parking garage. It is a 2006 Novara Ponderosa 19'' hardtail, Orange/Bronze & Black. It's a big bike with several mods. They also stole my wife's 2006 Silver K2 Vista Small. Thanks for the consideration

But that's not all...

My friend Wu Ch had her bike stolen. It's a black Giant OCR3 with pink bar tape and a blue back tire. It was locked to a gate by her apartment and the thieves cut the gate. This is a photo of it, except that now it has pink bar tape:

Shit people, I'm sorry to hear of your losses. This goes for everyone: if your bike is ever out of your hand or not under your ass, may I suggest that you have it LOCKED and locked WELL! Thieves are crafty folk and have all sorts of tools at their disposal, from acid to prybars to angle grinders. If they want your bike bad enough they'll get it, our job it to make them as difficult as possible to jack so that it's not worth their time/effort. Flat-key (and smaller) U-Locks, thick chains, ADDITIONAL cable locks (not as a sole method of locking), visible locking spots, all these things make it more difficult for a thief to ruin your day. I promise you, $50-75 spent on a GOOD lock now will save you a bit of anguish down the road. If ANY of the above bikes are spotted, PLEASE call 911 first, and me (699-1564) second. This bullshit needs to be dealt with.

Major bummer to hear.

Looks like these people need a Copenhagen Wheel. It switches to highest resistance and texts you its location when stolen. Pretty slick.

Elliott from Austin On Two Wheels

May I also recommend getting the OnGuard Bulldog? With that thing, I hear tell if you register it online they'll buy you a new bike if it gets stolen while locked properly with that thing. I'm an ass and haven't registered mine, yet, but that's still some nice security.

... those policies have seriously huge exceptions.

They cut through the lock with power tools, or forced it open with a jack? That's excluded, they won't pay.
They picked the lock (covered) but took the lock with them? No lock, no claim.

If you want insurance on your bike, add it to your homeowners or renters policy -- get *real* insurance.

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