You are hereCritical Mass Christmas 2009! WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Critical Mass Christmas 2009! WHAT THE FUCK?!?
That's right boys and girls, because you've all been good little bikers this year Santa and Jesus got together and decreed that instead of the usual dreary holiday that happens on the 25th, they'd treat us to something different...
(flyer courtesy of Santa Christ himself)
Fuck yes! This Friday is Christmas AND Critical Mass! Dress up as something ridiculous, bring all your out-of-towner relatives, and if you have the means, bring a present or something ridiculous for your fellow biker. I'll have a whole bag of 'em so if you want something you'll have to show up; priority goes to people dressed the part. 5pm on the UT West Mall is the place to be, your bike is what to ride, your friends are who to bring, and if you happened to have a thermos of egg-nog on your person you'd be my best friend. See y'all Friday and MERRY CHRISTMAS BIKERS!
i hope mommy lets me leave the parents house early friday!
I dont know what I could have possibly done to desserve this yo... Poor old bastard must be getting near sighted...ahhh!
yeah wow your genius Jason. im bringing a bunch of that. with makers mark
Critical Mass on my birthday...couldn't get much better than that! :]
Izzat you, Jesus Claus?