You are hereNUTS for Nueces Ride, plus the LOBV's take on things
NUTS for Nueces Ride, plus the LOBV's take on things
I just saw the following flyer on the For a Bicycle Only Nueces Boulevard facebook group:

I'm sure most of y'all have ridden Nueces already, but if not this is an excellent opportunity to get out there and cruise on what may be our next world-class bicycle facility. This ride leaves Cafe Medici at 10:30am SHARP, so get there a bit early if you want to caffeinate yourself before the ride.
Oh, and that bit about the LOBV in the title? In addition to their action page on the issue it looks like the LOBV has voiced their OFFICIAL proposal (pdf) for the Nueces boulevard, and just in time for next week's community meeting on the issue! Their plan includes roundabouts and pinch-points to calm traffic, raised crosswalk areas to highlight pedestrian activity, 4 of the more intense traffic diverters (which deny lane access to cars but allow bikes through), and even a snazzy gatweay arch at Nueces and 15th Street to let people know they're on our turf. The proposal also calls for the removal of ALL north-south stop signs, which with the addition of the aforementioned traffic calming devices and diverters should enable rapid bicycle traffic while at the same time allowing automobile traffic BUT discouraging its use as an automobile thoroughfare. Not a bad plan, but it'll be interesting to see what the business/property owners in the area think of this. Want to know more? Show up January 13th and be a part of the planning process!