You are hereThe bridge is over, the bridge is over... ALMOST!

The bridge is over, the bridge is over... ALMOST!

By Jason - Posted on 11 January 2010

By Jason - Posted on 11 January 2010

Look at this item on Thursday's City Council agenda:

Authorize execution of a construction contract with CAPITAL EXCAVATION COMPANY, Austin, TX, for the Pfluger Bridge Extension Project in the amount of $1,785,385.40 plus a $90,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,875,385.40.

The Pfluger Bridge Extension project will extend the James D. Pfluger Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge from its existing northwest arm across Cesar Chavez Street. The landing of the bridge will be just to the east of Sandra Muraida Way within Sand Beach Reserve (zip code 78703), where an earthen mound will be constructed to receive the bridge and carry bicycle and pedestrian traffic to ground level. Tree plantings, landscaping, lighting and irrigation are also included in the project.
Further planned improvements include a bicycle and pedestrian trail through the Gables Development and the Bowie Underpass (a crossing under the railroad tracks which is currently in design) to carry bicycle and pedestrian traffic to 3rd Street at Bowie Street. The Pfluger Bridge Extension project will eliminate a major barrier to bicycle and pedestrian traffic (Cesar Chavez Street), create
connectivity to the growing network of bicycle and pedestrian paths in Austin, and provide a direct, north-south route to the Market District for cyclists and pedestrians. The design process included extensive public outreach and involvement, and a Community Advisory Group determined the final route for the project.

A 5% contingency in funding has been included to allow for the expeditious processing of any change orders. The contract allows 310 calendar days for completion of this project.

310 calendar days, minus the time it takes to get the ball rolling means that if they stick to the construction contract we'll have a completed Pfluger bridge by the end of the year AT THE LATEST. Thanks for the pointing this out Kedron.

We've never had as obvious a case for road warriors to ban cyclists as they'll have with Lamar and Pfluger once it's done (the points I make about the loss of right-of-way this entails is likely to convince nobody on the road warrior side, which is why this battle was lost a long time ago).

I give a ban a 50-50 chance of happening within 5 years of the bridge extension opening.

And, yes, it'll be signs. But signs can mean tickets.

There's got to be a cycle-loving lawyer who'd just LOVE for the opportunity to set precedent and overturn a ban on cyclist traffic. I don't care how it goes, I'll still ride.

This extension then drops northbound cyclists onto a route that will require a handful of yields/stops, making it less attractive to transportation cyclists than just staying on Lamar. (The original NW arm plan wouldn't have done this - at least up to the transition back to Lamar just south of 5th).

In other words, potential Lance Armstrong Stopway Deux.

I honestly don't ever use the ped bridge except as a meeting point for rides so this doesn't affect me, but I could see class C riders wanting to transfer from the LAB to the nice wide sidewalks on South Lamar/Riverside/Barton Springs/new Seaholm Development for some fun with the family or a bit of shopping using the hell out of the extension. The stop signs on the LAB are stupid, but whatever. Like many others in the city I just treat them as a yield and go through.

The endpoint of these improvements to the Pfluger path is banning cyclists from the Lamar bridge. Bank on it.

They've never banned cyclist traffic on public city streets, with the exception of Mopac. I don't see how they can divert cyclist traffic while allowing car traffic through anyway, with the exception of increasing the speed limit to the levels of Mopac and I don't see them doing that on a city street. They can put up whatever signs they want, I'll still ride if it's the most direct route.

You do tend to overuse it, but this time it's actually appropriate!

That's awesome!

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