You are hereTommy Eden, long-time cycling advocate and EARLY Critical Mass arrestee struck by automobile and injured last night.

Tommy Eden, long-time cycling advocate and EARLY Critical Mass arrestee struck by automobile and injured last night.

By Jason - Posted on 15 January 2010

By Jason - Posted on 15 January 2010

Alonso just sent me the following message via facebook about a collision last night that Tommy was involved in:

last night a car hit Tommy Eden, lifelong bike activist. He was in the hospital till 3am. Now he's doing fine but it seems he's gonna be out of the recumbent for some time.
I am hoping to see his American against war sign on the streets soon.

This guy is a cycling advocacy DYNAMO and I hate to hear about him geting hit. I too am hoping for Tommy's quick recovery and the return of his rather uniquely appointed recumbent to our fair streets.

Any more word on Tommy's condition?

Tommy is a saint and I hope he has a quick and easy recovery. Any details on the accident?

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