You are hereCAMPO set to kill cyclist-friendly improvements at 360/183 intersection, and what you can do about it.
CAMPO set to kill cyclist-friendly improvements at 360/183 intersection, and what you can do about it.
Lane Wimberley, a local cycling advocate and regular commuter cyclist just sent the following notice to a couple of the local blogs, hence why you're seeing it covered here as well as elsewhere. From the sound of things CAMPO is going to be meeting in a few hours over several issues, and from the sound of things one of the items they're expected to shoot down is the planned infrastructure improvements to the 183/360 interchange that would ease bicycle traffic through this otherwise rather snarled intersection. Read on for Lane's words on the subject, and what you can do about it.
Sorry for the late notice, but there is a CAMPO board hearing this
evening. They will be making decisions about how funds will be
allocated, what projects will be approved, etc. In particular, (why
this is important) is that it is looking like they will NOT APPROVE a
city staff-proposed/-sponsored project to install proper bike
infrastructure facilitating safe bike transit of the 183/360
intersection (close to the Arboretum).As you may know, this particular intersection is extremely important
for cyclists, as it is the single pinch-point connection between the
NW suburban corridor along 183 and the inner-city bicycle route
network.Currently, this is a dangerous intersection for cyclists. No B-level
cyclists are likely to ever attempt negotiating this intersection as
it stands today, meaning that cycling is currently not a viable option
for the majority of Austin cyclists (and potential cyclists) wishing
to transit between the central city and the NW corridor. That is why
the Street Smarts Task Force identified this intersection as one of
the top five areas in need of improvement.Anyone who cares about this connection should consider either
attending the CAMPO board hearing to speak in support of the project,
or should write to the CAMPO board expressing their support.More info about tonight's hearing can be found here.
If you want to email CAMPO directly, just click that link or go here for an online form. As citizens of this fair city your input on the matter is IMPERATIVE! If you've ever tried to ride up to Gateway Shopping Center or The Arboretum from the direction of central Austin, you know why this intersection sucks and how much it NEEDS improvement that considers cyclists safety and ease of passage. Please make your voices heard.
Haven't heard the entire update, but apparently the project got nixed for now...but with discussion on funding it possibly next year???
This one kind of caught us by surprise, but we did have a couple people speak on in and submitted a letter of support. It's a cool project, since you don't see many urban paved bike trails that eliminate barriers like this.
Here's our letter:
January 20, 2010
CAMPO Transportation Policy Board
Via e-mail to
Honorable Board Members:
The League of Bicycling Voters is a nonprofit advocacy organization promoting better transportation policy decisions and more resources to increase the number of bicyclists in the Austin area. We wholeheartedly support the proposal for an improved "bike crossing" at Jollyville Road and Arboretum Blvd. (STP-MM LP 360 project) and ask that you approve the project funding.
While we understand that other worthy projects could be impacted by LP 360 funding, we also stress that the bike crossing and related improvements at the 360/183 intersection would provide a crucial link for bicyclists commuting and traveling in the corridor from Mesa Drive to the south to the Gateway area and farther into northwest Austin. Currently, the 183/360 interchange is a significant gap in the bicycle transportation network—a physical barrier to bicyclist trying to reach important destinations both north and south.
This short urban paved trail would bolster bicycle commuting and provide opportunities for bicycle trips to retail and entertainment destinations. It's time that we address these significant gaps, and LP 360 is an important step in that direction.
Please feel free to call me or our executive director, Tom Wald, for more information on why we deem this project a priority for funding.
Rob D’Amico
League of Bicycling Voters