You are hereCritical Mass gets some evening press on KVUE
Critical Mass gets some evening press on KVUE
Yesterday was pretty fucking badass. After bailing from work I booked it home to grab the stereo and catch up with Critical Mass, after which, well, this happened...
Turns out KVUE had a camera guy out there filming shit and interviewing people, and their night reporter Shelton Green did a story on the ride. Wacky. It's good to know that the "dozens of cyclists" who participated in Critical Mass yesterday may have been responsible for the traffic snarls that happen on their own at 5:30pm in downtown Austin the other 21-23 work days of the month. I also really like this line from the print version:
KVUE followed the cycling masses as long as we could until we lost them at Guadalupe and 6th street. The cyclists we saw obeyed traffic laws and stopped at red lights but for some reason riders were still able to get further faster than we were able to.
Thanks KVUE, you're too kind. After the ride there was a little party in the back yard of a rider, after which I split off but from what I heard the Full Moon Cruise went on to ride into the night causing mayhem and setting fires on golf courses. FUCK I'm bummed I missed that, but after hauling that stereo and booking it around everywhere my legs were about to go.
If you want to have a better idea of what went down at Critical Mass outside the news story, check out Doug's photo gallery, but lets just say if you missed the ride you then you missed this view:

If you want to hear more of the craziness that went down last night, just ask someone that was there. I was actually forwarded this news story by one of the riders who attached the following note:
Good morning! I ride to fuck authority!
Everyone has their own reasons, and I think the KVUE story captured a bit of that. if CM is causing traffic jams. The intro comments on TV news (e.g. what the anchor says) are always pathetic. They need to pay more for that job, so we don't have little peons writing that crap.
As for the story. Yawn.
Where were they when the upper deck was the playing field.
What's up with KVUE using a picture of Texas 4000 cyclists in the photo-box accompanying a story on Critical Mass? As a former Texas 4000 rider, I have to say that's some spotty journalism right there if you ask me...
Sept. 2001 critical mass @ -0:41 second mark.
"One Critical Mass event in September of 2001 took a deadly turn when one driver, Michael Henderson lost his patience ..." -- poor choice of words, as nobody died.
Still, usually when KVUE writes a story about cyclists, it generally seems to be anti-cyclist. It's ... unexpected to see them write a fairly positive story, and it's really unexpected to see them write this positive story about Critical Mass.
Previous recent (six months ago or so) KVUE bicycling stories have been about cyclists running stop signs and cyclists adding "guerrilla bike lanes" (when they did no such thing -- the markings they found were from a marathon.)