You are hereBirthday/Fundraiser BMX Jam at Clown Dog
Birthday/Fundraiser BMX Jam at Clown Dog
01/31/2010 - 1:00pm
Just got word that there's going to be a BMX Jam down at Clown Dog today to celebrate Big Mike's birthday, as well as raise a couple bucks for a local rider who broke his collar bone...

Clown Dog Jam today at the shop! It's Big Mike's birthday today too, so this Jam's for him, also this is a cross benefit for Ryan who broke his collar bone at ninth street. Food provided by Wheatsville, Juniors is kickin' in beer. Music, riding, food n' beer. Kickin off around 1 o'clock, Y'all be there!
Food, beer, tunes, BMX, etc. 1PM at Clown Dog on San Jacinto.