You are hereHeyRide presents: OUR TOWN Post-SXSW Pub Crawl!

HeyRide presents: OUR TOWN Post-SXSW Pub Crawl!

By Jason - Posted on 24 March 2010

By Jason - Posted on 24 March 2010

03/28/2010 - 3:00pm

The HeyRide folks are hosting another pub crawl, and unlike the five million events that just transpired over the past week and a half, this one is gonna be for the locals. It's the HeyRide OUR TOWN Pubcrawl and here are the wherefores and whatsits:

SXSW is done, the Rodeo will FINALLY be over after two damn weeks, and Texas Relays are right around the corner... so, we're able to catch a little break and not have to deal with people visiting from other places. This is OUR TOWN and we're gonna enjoy it in a leisurely fashion this Sunday.
Join us for a relaxing cruise to some familiar places that have nice refreshing beverages.
We'll start at The Dog and Duck Pub at 3pm Sunday, March 28th. After some mind lubrication we'll vote on the next stop. Rinse and repeat. Sound good? Then RSVP and invite some friends.
Bring: bike, lock, lights, ID, some form of payment for drinks, and of course your hot ass self!

I think the key words in the above paragraph are "HOT ASS". As in bring yours. 3pm this Sunday at Dog and Duck (406 W 17th ST). The magic words? Five dollar Lone Star pitchers. From there it's up to you.

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