You are hereBicycle Advisory Council meeting tonight.

Bicycle Advisory Council meeting tonight.

By Jason - Posted on 25 March 2010

By Jason - Posted on 25 March 2010

03/25/2010 - 6:30pm

Due to school schedules and assumedly the whole madness that is SXSW, last week's Bicycle Advisory Council meeting was bumped a week, which lands it squarely on TODAY. If you want to get in on the action you should show up at One Texas Center (505 Barton Springs) at 6:30pm and be a part of the political process. The topics being discussed tonight are as follows:

* CAMPO Policies and Maps– Tom Wald
* Urban Rail –Austin Transportation Department, Scott Gross
* Code Amendments – Annick Beaudet
* Downtown Bicycle Boulevard Update – Annick Beaudet
* 6th Street Update – Jason Fialkoff

I'm really excited to hear Annick's update on the NUECES Bike Boulevard project, and from the sound of things a local political advocacy group is going to be pushing for a BAC resolution on the matter. Stay tuned for more riveting information on this oh-so-exciting citizen input process.

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