You are hereTexas Rollergirls presents: Rockin' Rollerderby Social Ride and FUN FUN FUN!
Texas Rollergirls presents: Rockin' Rollerderby Social Ride and FUN FUN FUN!
If you've been out and about at some of the recent rides and/or after-parties you've probably noticed a couple dazzlingly beautiful ladies wearing cool helmets and representing for the local Roller Derby crew, riding bikes with us, passing out flyers, and being all-around badasses. Well thanks to how well everybody in our various strange two-to-eight-wheeled subcultures seem to have taken to each other they've decided to not only join in on our fun but make some of their own, so check THIS out:

That's right all y'all bikers, the Texas Rollergirls are having a bike month of their own, and they've invited us to join in on the fun! First up is a Social Ride THIS Saturday, but you should know beforehand that RIDING will only be ONE aspect of this excellent-sounding event. Check out what else they have in store for us at planned stops along the way:
Texas Rollergirls celebrates BIKES in April!
Join us as we trade in quads for 2 wheels for these fun-filled social rides!
Derby Scrimmage! Tall Bike Joust! BMX Jumps! Bike Polo!
Meet at the Capitol at 1:30pm
Follow us on Twitter @
Win prizes & tickets to our bout on April 25!
Ends at Eastwoods Park around 6pm
If you've ever been curious about derby, bike jousting, bike polo, BMX, or any other excellent and bruise-inducing fun to be had on wheels you NEED to come to this ride. The crew meets at the Capitol at 1:30pm and then departs for the various scrimmage and demo locations, with a final stop at Eastwoods Park for chilling and maybe even some bike polo?
They're having a ride and tailgate party the following week if you happen to miss this one but you'll be a fool if you do, because this ride is even half as amazing as the crew that's organizing it, you might just have the best time of your ENTIRE life. Be at the capitol this Saturday and get in on the action.
Thanks RadioActive, Rice Rocket, Olivia Shootin John and everyone else involved in making this happen. I can't freaking wait!
"with a final stop at Eastwoods Park for chilling and maybe even some bike polo?"
Maybe some bike polo! Come on, you know us better than that! the atxbpsc never misses a chance to play polo!
can't wait for this!
Thanks Jason; we are excited too; this is a win win win cross promotion! In addition to all the awesome bruiser entertainment lined up, we've been rounding up the incredible prizes we are giving away (the list of sponsors include Clown Dog, Fast Folks, Longhorn Bikes, Austin Bikes, Freewheeling, Hammerhead!!, Ozone, and of course tickets to our bout on April 25th!). See you Saturday!
Faster Faster Kill Kill Kill! :)