You are hereMidnight Ridazz ATX presents: The Warriorzz Ride #2! Come out and RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!
Midnight Ridazz ATX presents: The Warriorzz Ride #2! Come out and RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!
Ok y'all, I KNOW today is the third Tuesday of the month, which for the past few years has meant that at 9pm the Midnight Ridazz congregate at Donn's Depot for beer, good times, and late night shennanegins... but this month is different. Instead of riding on the 3rd Tuesday they're shooting for the 4th so that everyone will have more time to prepare for this:

FUCK YEAH!!! Warriorzz Ride #2! 9pm (more like 9:30pm) at Donn's Depot is the place to be, and this ride doesn't leave before 10 so if you're a little tardy on your high-hat makeup you can still make it down there in time to roll out with the crew. Last year the gangs broke up and hunted for the Warriorzz, but I don't know if they're doing that again this year or not. Show up next Tuesday at Donn's and find out!
Furies will be on the hunt
there are individual gangs searching for the warriors. heres the breakdown. Myself along with a few others will be the Warriorzz... we will be in a certain perimeter of the city at all times: in between enfield & chicon and 290 west & 51st. Whichever gang finds the Warriorzz first wins a round on me. If you havent found us by midnight we'll all meet up and ride together anyway! If you would like to volunteer to lead a gang just shoot me an email. Right now I'm looking for the following:
High Hats-
Turnbull ACs-
Rogues-Jose Perez-
Punks-Pirate Joe-
Warriors- Me
If you want to join either of the gangs already taken just click the link next to it or contact me....or you can make your own gang. clown dog did it last year and they owned our asses on the ped bridge! CAN YOU DIG IT?!.
I'm leading the punks! So if you got some overalls and wanna roll with us e-mail me at and I'll let you know where we're meeting when i figure it out.
Punks are not meeting at Donn's, and the Warriors aren't gonna make it to Coney Island;)
Pirate Joe
i didn't ride last year but wasn't this an individual gang meetup rather than at donn's?
That's what happened last year -- you met your gang somewhere and then rode around. Not sure, but I think some people checked Donn's just to make sure anybody who didn't know and showed up there were brought into the loop. (Hmm, wonder if anybody showed up at Donn's today not knowing what was going on?)
No idea what the plan is this year, but we do have a week to get it nailed down.