You are hereSunday morning RIDE: Every Sunday, at 8am, no matter what.

Sunday morning RIDE: Every Sunday, at 8am, no matter what.

By Jason - Posted on 19 May 2010

By Jason - Posted on 19 May 2010

05/23/2010 - 8:00am

Harry sent me the latest word on his EVERY SINGLE FREAKING WEEK Sunday Morning RIDE! I know these notices haven't been showing up on a weekly basis but fear not, this RIDE WILL HAPPEN no matter what. Here's the deets once again:


Well, I’ve been less than diligent of late about posting announcements for the Sunday morning ride, but I’m going to say it again now. Listen closely. Pay attention.


I was thinking that I’d been pretty clear on this point before, but apparently some of you didn’t get it, because I was the only one to show up last Sunday. I rode by myself, and I think it might have been the best ride so far this year. You missed a good one, folks.

So let’s review the pros and cons of riding early on Sunday morning.

On the down side:

Getting up early on Sunday morning sucks. No argument there. Come to think of it, getting up early sucks.

On the positive side:

Riding during the day’s best weather and least traffic does not suck. This is why roadies ride early. Well, it probably also has something to do with their fundamentally grim and masochistic nature.

Being finished with your ride by 11:00 does not suck. You can spend the rest of the entire day feeling virtuous while drinking and lounging.

Riding early minimizes the chance that you will die of heatstroke and dehydration under the blazing Texas sun, to be found later as a dried, shriveled husk by the roadside.

If this logic is not sufficiently compelling, I don’t know what else I can say.

As usual, we roll from Clown Dog at 8:20 Sunday morning.

Those of you who have ridden with us before know how we roll. For those who haven’t, please read the blah-blah below. It’s important. Really.

• Some of us are down with the fixed gear deal, but mostly we’re just about riding. Bring whatcha got and ride with us.

• Every cyclist is responsible for his or her own safety and well-being. We assume that everyone is familiar with basic rules of cycling safety and has enough hours in the saddle to feel comfortable with his or her ride. Use of helmets is optional (but highly recommended). Use of headphones, earbuds, Blue Tooth headsets or any other form of electronic distraction is discouraged. (It’s a SOCIAL ride, dammit!) All traffic laws and rules of right-of-way will be observed. Here’s the deal:


If someone gets killed, it ruins the ride for everybody.

• This ride is 25-30 miles long through mostly urban and suburban areas. We do a convenience

store stop at about the halfway point for anyone who needs snacks or drinks.

• Bring a water bottle. It’s warming up out there.

• There is no SAG support on this ride. Bring a spare tube and something that will inflate it.

• The purpose of this ride is for everyone to have a good time and (we hope) to become better cyclists. We ride at a variable pace, according to the group on any given ride, and all skill levels are welcome. This is a 25-30 mile ride over typical Central Texas terrain. If this is consistent with your riding experience, or is perhaps slightly more challenging than what you’re accustomed to, you should have no problem going the distance.

So come on, slackers. I know it’s Sunday morning. I know it’s early. I know it’s hard to get out of bed. But show a little discipline, will ya?

It’s time to ride.

Up early on Sunday? Ride your bike with this crew.

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