You are hereFast Folks Cyclery presents: THEIR OWN FIRST FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY! Get it!
Fast Folks Cyclery presents: THEIR OWN FIRST FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY! Get it!
In recognition of Fast Folks Cyclery surviving their first year in bidness, they're throwing a party!

Things kick off around 2pm in the afternoon and they've got shit going on all day long, so get there early for the free beer and fun stuff. The lovely and talented ladies of the ATXBPSC are going to be out washing bikes for donations, so give big and help send them on their way to tournament glory and excellent times. There's also going to be a slip and slide, cupcake walk, and various bike games to keep everyone entertained. Finally, they're premiering Death Pedal 2 later on in the evening, so be sure to catch that if you're around.
Happy birthday Fast Folks! Here's to y'all keeping Austin fixed for many more to come.