You are hereSocial Cycling ATX presents: Thursday Night Social Ride - Makin' skrilla for the polo ladies!
Social Cycling ATX presents: Thursday Night Social Ride - Makin' skrilla for the polo ladies!
The time for that weekly Thursday Night Social Ride is upon us, but this week's ride is a little something special: the amazingly awesome Austin bike polo ladies are going to be putting on a fund raiser for us with beer and events at the Heart of Texas Pedicab shop! Here are the details of the ride, as well as a little writeup from Mo on what they're going to be up to this summer. Awesome stuff:
This week is a very special week on the social ride. We are supporting out own that are representing us in NYC.
Where and When: Just east of the I-35 bridge on the north side of the river. We meet at 7:30 and leave at 8 SHARP-ish.
WHAT: We are going to tak our usual ride around town the attend benefit to send out wonderful ladies to compete in NYC's first all ladies tourney. I will let Ms. Maureen Grady tell you in her own words how cool this is:
"we bought our airfare, we have to check our bikes there and will ship them home. We each spent/will spend 600+ total just on airfare, bike fees, tournament fees and some of the costs of our fundraising.
why: we love bike polo, and traveling is an integral part of progressing as a player and growing the sport itself. we want to be a part of the special (only) women only tournament that is happening and we want to represent the skill that Austin, TX has to offer the world of bike polo. (the polo-verse is already fully aware of ATX thanks to our men's A-team, Rob, Miguel, and Charlie, performance in Columbia, MO last november. Rob and I helped spread the word of Austin Polo thanks to the midwest/eastside/southside tour we took last november as well. Our club has competed in tournaments in MO, LA, FL, AL, AR, CO, and recetly MN and people have seen our fast advancement in the sport. They know our ladies are tough as nails and play hard.
Tina, Jasmine, and I are putting in a lot of time and energy into this trip. We are practicing at least 3 times a week, we have designed a logo for our team, The Saddle Bags, and we are printing t-shirts and getting individually sponsored because we hope to continue to travel and compete as an all ladies team in a male dominated sport. (Next tournament is the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships in Madison, WI and we plan on being there too!)"So there you have it. We need to represent and these women are the best we have to do that.
WHAT: To support our players we are taking a nice east side cruise, the going to the Heart of Texas pedicab headquarters where there will be beer a flowin. Bring out your bucks to help offset the cost of having the ATX represent us in the tourney. Then we are heading to the Chupacabra for another Social Cycling Austin dance party where they will still be collecting donations for their trip.
WHAT YOU NEED: LIGHTS (really), lock amd tip money for both the bartenders and the ladies polo team. You will also need an ID to get into the bar.
See everyone at Fiesta Gardens just east of the-35 bridge!
Bring your bike, bring that money, and make it rain on the ladies who represent the ATX on polo courts all over the US of A. Fucking awesome shit. 7:30pm at Fiesta Gardens is where you want to be. See y'all there!
If you see these women, give them money.