You are hereFast Folks Cyclery presents: FABULOUS FRIDAY FIXED GEAR ALLEYCAT! Free points race!
Fast Folks Cyclery presents: FABULOUS FRIDAY FIXED GEAR ALLEYCAT! Free points race!
06/04/2010 - 6:00pm
Hey kiddos, it's a first friday so get those safety bikes out and get your ass ready to RACE:

The cost is free, the place is the Capital and the time is 6pm. And DAMN does Jasmine look fine as this month's flyer model. Be there. Do it. Fixed only. Don't think of it as elitist, think of it as standardization. It's kinda like Nascar, only their mullets and PBRs are consumed sans-irony.
It will generally state single/fixed if freewheels are allowed.
Jasmine, you're a star!
... does a single speed (with freewheel) bike qualify for a fixed-only event?
(Not that I'm entering -- just wondering for the future. I do have a single speed bike I could use at some point. Granted, it's not a racing bike, but you can have a lot of fun gunning for last place too!)