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TNSR wins TWO "Best of Austin" awards!

By Jason - Posted on 02 September 2010

By Jason - Posted on 02 September 2010

I'd like to welcome the Thursday Night Social Ride to the "Best of Austin" club:

Best Social Ride: Thursday Night Social Ride

It's said that in order for bikes and cars to coexist, cyclists need to increase their visibility, both in general and in numbers. In Austin, group rides happen almost every day, but one of the biggest is the Thursday night social ride. Around 250 bicyclists, including everyone from kids to seniors on fixies, cruisers, and what-have-you, meet up and ride "as traffic, not against it." This inclusive spirit and a relaxed pace with lots of stops not only helps novices gain confidence but also encourages drivers to acknowledge cyclists as fellow travelers, not adversaries.

Badass y'all! See everybody on the ride tonight. Lets have a beer and celebrate!

Update: Turns out they won TWO awards:

Best Use of a Puffy Water Slide: Social Cycling's Landing at the Scoot

You've just been on an hour-and-a-half ride through East Austin in the middle of summer. You're sweaty, stinky, and surrounded by fellow bicyclists in a similar predicament. What's the solution? Well, how about a giant inflatable water slide set amid East Fifth's Scoot Inn & Biergarten that looks part bouncing tent, part water park, and all fun? Welcome to Social Cycling Austin. Whether it's the Monday Night Heavy Metal Ride, the Thursday Night Social Ride – with trips to Barton Springs, water balloon fights, and lots of beer – or any of their other impromptu events, this group of two-wheeled crazies always puts on a good show.
The Scoot Inn, 1308 E. Fourth, 478-6200;


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