You are hereSunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!! Unicycle Football at Ozone Bikes!
Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!! Unicycle Football at Ozone Bikes!
This is a big fucking weekend Austin, if for no other reason than the fact that it marks the innaugural game of Austin's own Unicycle Football League team, HELL ON WHEEL! If you're a local and you appreciate the finer points of knocking motherfuckers off of bikes (or unis as may be the case), you should come out on Sunday and cheer for the home team:

hELL On wHEEL is Austin's first team to the existing UFL in San Marcos. Please join us as we take on (or rather take DOWN!!) THE GNARWHALS on HOME turf here in the good 'ol ATX!! This SUNDAY Sept. 19 @ 6PM going down at OZONE BIKES (gaudalupe and 32nd street) in the parking lot facing DA DRAG!
B*Y*O*B and hell you can bring some for us TOO ::wink wink::
Gonna have some badass cheap BBQ (provided by BABY ZACH'S BBQ- local as shit yo- , HALF tIME CIRCUS sIDE Show by DEsTrUCTIVE aRTS COLLecTiVE!! All sorts of crazy ass bizness you could only expect from This
CITY and it's good ol' crazy asses!!
This is the first of many games in town to come, the better turn out we get the easier it'll be for us to convince local venues to host our guerrilla/ borderline trespassing sport!!! Our main efforts go towardexpanding the league into Austin, meaning more teams, MORE games MORE MORE MORE UNICYCLES!! and if you got one wheel, be proud and bust that shit out!!
All I can promise is BRUTALITY, DAMN FINE TIME, and UNICYCLE FOOTBALL !! WOO HOO!!!WE"LL BRING THE SHOW< YOU BRING YOUR BRO'S AND YER... eh, DOE 'S!!! and something to drink.
--as the wheel god's been know to say, "LET THAT SHIT ROLL!!!"
and roll that shit shall.--F'N A--
I'm serious y'all, this is some intense shit. I was out last spring to watch their exhibition game and these guys are no joke; this is full contact one-wheeled mayhem! The match starts at 6pm and you want to be there for the beginning, where instead of tossing a coin they JOUST! On UNICYCLES! Not only is this the home team's first game, but the halftime show is going to be brought to you by insane clowns on bikes. Is your mind blown yet? If not be there Sunday and let them show you how they roll.