You are hereSocial Cycling ATX presents: Wednesday Hump Day NOONER Ride - YOU HAVE ONE HOUR.

Social Cycling ATX presents: Wednesday Hump Day NOONER Ride - YOU HAVE ONE HOUR.

By Jason - Posted on 22 September 2010

By Jason - Posted on 22 September 2010

09/22/2010 - 12:00pm

It's Wednesday. The middle of the work-week. The day I have my one-on-one with my manager. And for those of you who aren't stuck in 9-5 cubicle hell, it's the HUMP DAY NOONER RIDE! Here's the dirt:

We are headed through my neighbor hood and touring the 78704.

We meet on the ped. bridge at 11:45 am, get to know your fellow riders, ride out at 12:10 pm. Ride up a hill or two and head to get a refreshing beverage and ride to get lunch. Rides are between 5 and 10 miles. The route is determined on the fly.

This is a no-drop ride, with hills. All levels are welcome. I encourage the beginners to push themselves to keep up and the faster riders to wait up. If your having trouble with the pace please let me or the group know and we will try to adjust it.

Depart: 12:10 pm.

Bring: WATER, a lock, a well tuned bike, also some spare tubes & tools wouldn't hurt.

Photo is one of mine. You can see more of my photos of Austin here:

Share your photos here or


Be sure to bring all the shit you need, and with the way the weather looks a fender might not be a bad addition as well. 11:45am on the Pfluger bridge, they leave about half an hour later...

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