You are hereFunny shit...
Funny shit...
I laughed so hard when I saw this message from the ATX Midnight Ridazz:
Subject: i think i just shat myself!!!
Body: so to my knowledge... no one on the ride tonight went to the hospital!! for the first time since this ride came to austin tx in april 2007!!! CHEERS!!!
Good job y'all, no hospital trips this month! I'm so proud of you! ;)

That ride was so much fun, if I wasn't an old man with a job I'd have hung around 'till the end. If you've never made it out to a Midnight Ridazz ride then you have no idea what you're missing. People with baby heads on poles, spiked shoulderpads, a phenomenal Tina Turner outfit, several Maxes, some white trash mullet thing, it was freaking glorious. Seriously though, how many other riding clubs can claim tagging Leslie as part of their evening's festivities? That's just how we roll...

It was a dark night in a camera without a flash...
Oh whoops you can't include img;