You are hereCapital Metro Strike Looming

Capital Metro Strike Looming

By Jason - Posted on 22 August 2008

By Jason - Posted on 22 August 2008

For those of you who take public transportation to get around town, it looks like the Capital Metro drivers' union has voted 405-45 to go ahead and strike. Bus service is currently running as regularly scheduled, but in the event of a strike service will be severely reduced. Check the CapMetro website for more info and an adjusted schedule in case the drivers' do strike.

Personally, I support the strike. Cost of living is increasing, fares are increasing, I think the drivers should be paid competitively. Growing up in the rust belt, labor unions were a big part of our life and for all their fucked-up-ness (lol mafia) they do actually fight for the common schmuck and accomplish some good. Plus they gave us weekends and a little thing called "sick time". Thanks guys, even if you are fucking up my commute...

Guess it's time to tune the road bike up again.

They are striking is because of their insurance. Right now they have the best insurance in TX. As of right now they do not have to pay the co-pay whenever they go to the doctor. What is happening is, now they are going to start having to pay the co-pay.

The amount of raises they get within a year is a 4% raise, and another 3% if they do not call in sick. That isn't saying that they cannot use their personal days...just flat out calling in sick.

So I say fuck them, they actually get insurance from the company they work for and alot of people don't, everyone else who does have insurance pays a co-pay. IMHO they can go and stick a broom stick up their ass.

Half of the cap metro bus drivers, drive in the bike lane, when there is only a one lane road. I know because while my back was broken I would ride the bus, not to mention I see it all the time while I am riding my bike.

They need to stop sucking on the tit of the company they work for and grow up.....

Just sayin....

~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst

one of the cap metro reps came to the BAC mtg this past Thursday to tell people about the upcoming strikes (he said they would likely be when school started up again). He also mentioned they are THE HIGHEST paid drivers in the state, making what many beginning teachers make.

I'll just stick to riding.

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