You are hereAustin Bike Blog presents: “What’s the biggest thing you’ve carried on your bike?” Contest
Austin Bike Blog presents: “What’s the biggest thing you’ve carried on your bike?” Contest
The cool cats over at Austin Bike Blog are hosting a contest. Check the following site for all the rules and entry info:
The short version is you gotta take a picture of you carrying something ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE on your bicycle or in a bike trailer, then send it to Marcus (include your first name and city of origin). Do this before midnight September 30th or you're SOL. Second and third prizes are yay, but the first prize is a HONEY BROOKS B17. Oh hell yeah. Time to haul something heavy, because I REALLY need that fourth Brooks saddle...

"That Brooks saddle WILL be mine..."
Thanks guys, you rule! Holler at me on a ride sometime and I'll buy y'all a pitcher for being so swell.