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NBR: Adult Skate Night - TONIGHT!

By Jason - Posted on 26 August 2008

By Jason - Posted on 26 August 2008

08/26/2008 - 7:00pm

I know it's not bike related but IT IS human-powered, so if you've got a problem with that then go read some other local bike blog. Seriously, go read 'em.

Ok, now that all those schmucks are gone, check this shit out. TONIGHT is the local Adult Skate Night over at Playland Skating Center. This event is like a time capsule of bad taste, on wheels, covered in glitter, wearing sunglasses, at night. It's freaking great. You can bring your own food and can sneak in drinks if you're a badass. $7 bucks'll get you through the door and skates are included. If you come you'll see shit like this...

I'm not even kidding. Last time I went one of the members of Milli Vanilli was there and he was wearing a leisure suit (minus jacket) and purple suede rollerskates with big poofballs on the ends of them while performing what can only be described as skating ballet. And there was absolutely nothing ironic about it. A bargain at double the admission price.

Short-shorts and tube socks aren't required, but they're highly recommended...

HEY! You posted this before I saw you and commented about ATXBS; remember I recognized you at Playland. Awesome! :-D Thanks for sharing the love of bikes (and skates)!

Of course I remember! I mean how often do I get the opportunity to be internet famous?

You gonna come out for Critical Mass tomorrow? If you manage do it on your roller skates you'd be a superhero!

A bike is fine too. ;)

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