You are hereBikers of Austin, I have a mission for you!
Bikers of Austin, I have a mission for you!
Mims just sent me a pic of a badass bike owned by one of her Midnight Ridazz compatriots in Los Angeles. Why don't we have one of these in Austin?!?

Ok y'all crafty metalworking types, you have a mission! We need one of these for the group rides so we can get our grillin' on while we cruise.
. . . or margaritas if you are so inclined.
Bike Blender:
I want one that makes pancakes. recently featured a bike that makes WAFFLES! That's pretty impressive, IMHO.
I saw that. I was impressed by the shotgun mounts.
But my needs are simpler. I merely require pancakes.
Mmmm, pancakes...