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The Peddler's Re:Launch Partay RACE!
09/14/2008 - 6:00pm
That's right! There's gonna be a race. 6:00pm registration, 6:30pm race. And I better see all of y'all racers at the MoonLight Cruze the night before or you're a punk bitch.
Have a flyer:
Email it to all your friends.
I'm planning on being at the Moonlight Cruze, but there's a possibility of extreme breeziness that night. It'll probably miss us, though.
A little rain never hurt nobody but the wicked witch..
Wang Chi: A brave man likes the feel of nature on his face, Jack.
Egg Shen: Yeah, and a wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!
But seriously...
Rain isn't so bad. But I hate wind. HATE HATE HATE. Before my truck got wrecked and I started going carless, high wind was one of the three reasons I would drive to work instead of biking (the other two were rain and below-freezing temperature).
Of course, now I pedal through the headwind, get wet, and get cold.
y'all texan's dont know shit about below freezing.
we texans may not know much about below freezing temps, but at least we dont suck like people from ohio.
fixed gears are like butt holes, every one has one.
ohio is the butthole of america. im from PA so im from the taint of america. thank you very much!!
That's it, next time I see you I'm pushing you off your bike.
you saw me and you didnt push me off my bike. epic fail sir.
You weren't on your bike. I'm biding my time, believe me...
Hey now, I resemble that remark!
And I don't want to, either.