You are hereFast Friday Austin Kick-off - October 3rd!
Fast Friday Austin Kick-off - October 3rd!

Matt B. (aka Mr. ATXFixed) told me about this one a few weeks ago, but now we've got times, events, and how much it's gonna cost ya in American dollars.... Fast Friday is coming to Austin! No not the people, the concept. If you're just dying to know what concept that is, click the aforementioned link and I'm sure it'll become crystal clear. Think lots of color-coordinated fixed gear bikes, BMX components on said fixed gear bikes, tattooed sleeves, tight clothes, fixed gear freestyling, irony, and various competitions of the fixed gear-specific variety. Plus alcohol. Here's what he's gotta say:
alleycat/ mini comps/ partytime!
this is to kick off austins Fast Friday. looks like we already have the month afters race in the works. chris and i are not in charge of that one. but we are racing in it so look out. As for the 3rd...its gonna be fast and crazy. Heres a few details before we get the flyer together...
-oct 3rd at . reg. starts at 4pm at the capital steps.
fee is $5 (PRIZES MAKE IT WORTH THE BUCKS)-race at 6pm. starting location will be given out upon registering.
- Mini comp. location tbt. as soon as we figure out where the after party will happen.
ALL FIXED RACE!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT HAVE ONE.....GET ONE!!!!!!
more soon.
P.S. This is the first image that comes up when I google "Fast Friday". did I mention that there'll be fixed gears at this thing?
lul wut?
That I do not understand that.