You are hereSan Marcos Pub Rides - Safety Ride - TONIGHT!
San Marcos Pub Rides - Safety Ride - TONIGHT!
I know this site's supposed to be Austin-centric and all (hell it's in the title), but those San Marcos kids are just so swell that that I gotta rep their rides:

Oh yeah, this one looks SERIOUS. Here's the associated information:
Bring: CASH!, swim apparel, your fake ID, bike, lock, love for thy biker, any tools/pumps needed.
...and of course, LIGHTS! (texas law: 1 rear red reflector or light AND 1 forward WHITE light, visible 500 ft.)
The theme of this pub crawl is safety first, so bring a helmet, pads, bubble wrap, whatever works for you.
respect all traffic laws (
be able to hold your alchy and still ride (dont be THAT girl/guy, or get hurt/ticket), no cars allowed.
#1 There will be beans and rice at The Hub starting around 6 pm. Bring some beer if you would like to drink there.
#2 Depart from The Hub around 7:45 pm and head to Wake the Dead
#3 On to Barfish Lounge
#4 Then Jack's Roadhouse
#5 Finally, Showdown for the drawing
#6 If weather permits, we can go to the river after the bars.
Come celebrate my birthday with me!
If you're down in that neck of the woods, why not gear up and get your bike on tonight? Shit, events like this almost make me wish I lived further south. But then this would be SMTXBS and that just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it?