You are hereWild and wacky biking weekend recap, part 1
Wild and wacky biking weekend recap, part 1
First off...

Pic by Joe D.
FUCK YEAH! That was an awesome weekend. Saturday before the ride I went down to the MOD show with a couple of friends but we managed to get our asses kicked out before they played. We'd already been kicked out of Waller Creek by a cop (who was kind enough to let us finish our beers), so I guess that was par for the course.
Harnesing our combined ingenuity and resourcefulness, we figured out a great way to kill a few hours before ending up at the bridge. At some point in there we hit the Gingerman for some high class brews, but that period of the evening is hazy. Also before the ride (and I think after Gingerman) I crashed my bicycle. No damage to the bike, but my hip is all sorts of purty colors now. At least I got it out of the way before the ride.
Ah yes, THE RIDE. We pulled up on the bridge shortly before 2 and there were already a few hundred people assembled, easily larger than a monthly full moon cruise on a good night. I love the big group rides because of the diverseness of people who show up. I saw everything from the lycra'd up roadies in full matching kit and bikes worth more than my car to stinky gutterpunks on their converted fixed gears that they probably salvaged from a dumpster. My favorite riders were the couple kids on the BMXs in full race gear, kicking ass alongside everyone else. I dunno why but it always warms the cockles of my heart to see kids on bikes at the group rides. As it got later into the night more and more people showed up. There were music bikes, fire works, a lone tall-bike and plenty of riders ready for a good time.
The route was the traditional up into north austin, up into shoal creek, down northwestern, and back into the city to end at a parking garage. Honestly I couldn't tell you the exact route if I tried, as I was too distracted with everything going on around me to even pay attention to where we were, like this for instance. Sweet Jesus, I love Austin.
Overall the ride was chill, most everyone was cool, and I personally had a blast. Unfortunately, not everything was all wine and roses. Ed mentioned a few altercations yesterday while I was out partying, but I've also heard of a few other isolated incidences that have me concerned. I hate when intimidation bullshit like this happens, especially when one party (car) is obviously bigger and burlier than the other (bike). It just seems like a modernly accepted form of bullying, at least in the cops eyes.
I think I got home sometime around 6am. I lost my front light (goodbye Niterider MiniNewt) and my multitool (goodbye CrankBros 17-in-1) in the fray, as well as a water bottle, but I chalk them up as worthy sacrifices to the bike gods. Hell of a ride, y'all! If you've got pictures, stories, videos, someone's discarded undies, let me know about 'em.
P.S. Check out Brian McGloin's web log for his account of the Full Moon Cruise, from the perspective of an out-of-towner. Glad you could make it, and I dig your depiction of Austin. I hope it stays weird too.
More (mostly crappy, due to the low light) pictures for your viewing enjoyment.
Some more pictures from a few of the recent rides.
Wow, great pics! I posted links to your galleries in their own entry.