You are hereRCVA X Cinelli: Pressure Bicycle Art Experience @ Mellow Johnny's - Thursday
RCVA X Cinelli: Pressure Bicycle Art Experience @ Mellow Johnny's - Thursday
Ahlee (mad race organizer extraordinaire) just let me know about this shit happening at Mellow Johnny's later this week...

I guess it's some kinda art installation or something. I'm more of a "fuck art lets kill" kinda guy so I can't tell you too much more than this from their website, since it's more geared towards edgy than informative. Whatever the case is, it has to do with bikes, it's in Austin, it's "Austin Texas Bike Shit".
P.S. this whole [selloutindieartist] X [facelesscorporatebrandname] "collabo" bullshit is fucking stupid. Stop it already. Getting some sucker artist to scribble their graphics on your lame shoe or hat brand does not make it hip or cool, it just makes it overpriced. Wait, what am I talking about? I guess it does, judging by the number of people who fall all over themselves whenever this bullshit "drops".
P.P.S. Anybody wanna "collabo" on some hot ATXBS X whatever the fuck you make shit? Srsly, it's gonna be so hip and cool it'll hurt. And I won't do any of the work, BUT I will scribble ATXBS on whatever the hell you make and then split the profits with you. Because I'm awesome like that.
Oh Cinelli, say it ain't so!