You are hereT - 1 week till Critical Mass...
T - 1 week till Critical Mass...
Ok boys and girls, we're 1 week away from Critical Mass and I'm already geeked about this one. Some of you may remember this time last year when we ended the ride at the Beer Barn on Guad, scrounged up dinero for a keg, then killed said keg in the parking lot next door...

From that drunken event the ATXBS mailing list/website was born. That's right, this crappy website almost 1 year old!
There's already a plan for a party after the ride, but I've decided to sweeten the pot. To celebrate ATXBS' first birthday I'll match whatever y'all put up for a keg (aka I've got the first half covered), so bring a few bucks and don't be a mooch. Hell, if y'all bring enough to buy a keg, I'll just buy a second keg and then shit'll really get rowdy.
Friday, Sept 26th, 5pm, UT West Mall. Ride all day, party all night! Bring all your friends, bring all your foes, bring everyone. Come for the ride, stay for the bash, but if I didn't see you riding then you're not drinking from the ATXBS keg.
Them's the breaks.
so how many birthday candles should I bring for THAT!...late!
Technically we're only one, but you can always make it a real big one...
so how many birthday candles should I bring for THAT!...late!
holy shit my hair was long a year ago.
I often allude to that faithful day we drank a keg in 2 hours behind the spa on Guadelupe and the clipboard for emails got passed around to our drunk asses.