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A look to THE FUTURE!!!

By Jason - Posted on 23 September 2008

By Jason - Posted on 23 September 2008

Harnessing the powers of SCIENCE (and the CAMPO Website) we've been able to bring you this map of what the Austin Bicycle infrastructure will look like in the year 2030, that is if the Aztecs aren't correct...

Looks... interesting. The map covers the entirety of Travis, Williamson (go to hell Wilco) and Hayes county, and includes quite a bit of new on-street bike facilities. What these will be I'm not exactly sure, since they seem to also follow all the major highways (Mopac, 35, Ben White, etc) and I don't think a bike lane on the upper deck is gonna fly.

One thing the map mentions in the key is that "2030 On-Road Bicycle System may include parallel off-road facilities." This is an interesting proposition. I can't help feeling "separate but equal" about some of this, and that never seems to work out equally for all parties involved. Not that it's ever been "equal" in the past, so no skin off the bikers' noses.

If nothing else it is nice to see some taxpayer money being blown on committees and planning that has something to do with actual city infrastructure, growth, and transportation; not just putting another jack-booted thug on an authority trip cop on the street.

We'll see.

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