You are hereAustin Jingle Bell Ride

Austin Jingle Bell Ride

By Jason - Posted on 06 December 2007

By Jason - Posted on 06 December 2007

12/16/2007 - 5:30pm
12/16/2007 - 7:00pm

Here's info about the 2007 Jingle Ride that I gleaned from
Austin Parks and Rec has reserved the Trail of Lights for BIKES
SUNDAY DEC 16, 6-7pm

5:30 - 5:45 - Bike staging in the Zilker parking lot by the Canoe rentals -East entrance, 1st left (No car parking in Zilker)
5:45 - 6:00 - Trail Lights ON - Parade start
6- 7pm - Tour de Trail of Lights
7pm - til? I'm sure there'll be multiple options evolving over the next few weeks

Just a reminder: Front and rear lights are required by law and for safety’s sake on bicycles being ridden after dark. Inexpensive lights can be obtained at discount stores and bike shops around town. As this ride will not have the benefit of police escort, please ride especially safely and observe all traffic laws.

The Austin Ridge Riders, Bicycle Sport Shop and the Austin Cycling Association will seek sponsorship $$$$ for the 2008 Jingle Bell Ride to get street closures so that the ride can return to it’s former route through town, around the Capitol and down Congress.

From what I've heard the last few years there have been cops there closing streets and as an escort for this ride, so I don't know how many of y'all want to get involved in a cop-supported event but there you go. I'll probably show up with my video camera and bike stereo to have a little fun and see what goes on after this thing. Maybe meet up with the Cemetery Cats pub crawl and do some proper drinking? Who knows...

Update: Check it y'all, a map!

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