You are hereSocial Cycling ATX presents: Thursday Night Social Ride - How The Grinch Rode Christmas ! ! !
Social Cycling ATX presents: Thursday Night Social Ride - How The Grinch Rode Christmas ! ! !
It's Thursday, and for those of you who aren't spending these last down-to-the-wire moments fighting your way through retail hell in order to buy just the right object with which to express your love for the people in your life it means you should get your ass out and RIDE YOUR BIKE:

this week after a nice ride around town with a stop in the middle we will be heading to jackalope! for some FREE PIZZA (Courtesy of Social Cycling!) and $2 PINTS!!.
WHERE AND WHEN: Our winter time meeting place, Plaza Saltillo (map: at 7pm. We will hang out for some social time, then take off at around 7:30pm.
WHAT: Bike riding, socializing, park stopping (remember to tip your bartender! it's the right thing to do karmically for all of the Thursday Night Love that is being bestowed upon you. do it)HOW: Social Cycling Austin rides AS traffic and NOT AGAINST it. We stop at red lights, yield the right of way and let cars pass as best we can. We are cool to both our fellow riders and the other traffic on the road. Listen up to those volunteers who are helping to lead the ride. They are some nice folks and have you best interest in mind.
WHAT YOU NEED: LIGHTS, LIGHTS, LIGHTS, a lock, a valid ID for the after party and money for Pints, TIPS and Fun at the after party.
See everyone at the Plaza!
Free pizza?!? Talk about a Christmastime miracle! Thanks baby Jesus! 7pm at Plaza Saltillo is the place to be, and for the first time since they've started meeting there I don't have anything else going on so maybe I'll even see you fine folks at the beginning of the ride. Maybe.
Will there ever be a tns ride that doesn't end at a bar? One can dream...