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Police cracking down on cyclists
Look what story got released at 11:03PM last night:
That didn't take long. Basically it says that due to numerous complaints, the police in the downtown area are going to be cracking down on cyclists who break the law while riding. Running reds, not stopping at stop signs, splitting lanes, and riding on certain sidewalks, all standard behavior for getting around downtown Austin that'll get you pulled over and ticketed. Luckily the tickets are only $20 the first one, $40 for repeat offenders, and they don't go on your driving record.
I wonder if it actually is only $20/40 for running a red light on a bike. Check out what it is for doing it in a car. If this is the case, it's a bargain!
Here's my favorite line from the entire report:
Pollard says officers don't discriminate.
Wait a minute, isn't announcing that the police are going to be stepping up the enforcement of traffic laws SPECIFICALLY against cyclists somewhat discriminatory?
Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the cops discriminatory practices (selective enforcement, anyone?), they've decided that we're a group worth cracking down on. If you don't know the laws very well, or just need a refresher, go educate yourself at Michael Bluejay's Austin Bicycle Laws site so you know what not to do in front of a cop. He's got a ton of good info archived on his site, and it's well worth digging through for all the commentary and detailed advice.
Bike safe y'all, and stay out of trouble. Heh.
Everyday I see cars and trucks and buses and city vehicles break the law and with deadly force and no one is around handing out tickets to these fucks.Cell phone civilians are the worst like some of you have said but this is war boys. Know one looks out for me and guess what boys that means you too.So I ride the crowley way 'do what thy will shall be the whole of the law' as long as we don't enforce it for the motor vehicles I'm not gonna be a sheep OR some conforist commie bitch...I despise the cowards that complain I'm ruining thier time. They can go live in the fuckin' bible belt and good ridence. I'd like to bring up the'queer bashing' in this town to our fine fuckin'new police chief...THAT's a subject that should be in the news so until then...All fuckin' cars must fuckin' wait.
I kinda agree with this.
Every time I ride downtown, I see people on bikes pulling all kinds of stupid crap. Yeah, cars do too, but just because they're acting like dicks doesn't give us the right to.
I got cut off on two separate occasions by cellphone wielding drivers headed back from the Crit. Mass. party. That's in one night. These drivers simply do not understand that I'm going to die if they hit me and we're all not lucky. Ugh...
I fucking hate people. If you look at the comments on that article they are all about bashing cyclist. I for one follow most all rules of the road, and when I don't I make damn sure that no one else is going to be affected by it. I hate it when people assume that all cyclist break all laws. I really hate it when people say shit like this
"they shouldnt be allowed on the streets at all--they are a problem and dont pay taxes to be allowed on the streets--tax them and build their own lane"
one, we do pay for the roads. most everyone who rides a bike, also has a car. we also pay taxes for the guess what????? PAYING FUCKING TAXES
two, we have a lane most of the time....and you know what????people like to park in it or drive in it.
So I say fuck off. I will be glad to pay the fucking ticket for anything that I do.
Oh and Jason, the last time I got a ticket for running a red (1 1/2 years ago) it was the same as running it in a car. just fyi
~ people always talk about my drinking, but never my thirst
Yeah I mentioned the same thing about my red light ticket from 2 years ago on the forum. I beat the ticket, but if I hadn't it would have been the full fine amount and it would have gone against my driving record.