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BAC does something kinda nifty...

By Jason - Posted on 06 January 2008

By Jason - Posted on 06 January 2008

Many might not know it due to the state of things, but Austin has a Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC). They're responsible for trying to further cycle commuters goals in Austin and better integrate them into the traffic plan. Here's their latest accomplishment, from their web log:

The City Bicycle Program would like to make sure that YOU know that we have three badge-toting parking enforcement officers (with citation books) and we are ready to write some tickets.

If you see a car parked in the bike lane, and there are SIGNS posted that state that parking in the bike lane or at that segment of the roadway is illegal, please call 3-1-1 to report the exact location of the illegally parked vehicle. We have organized with 3-1-1 to get these complaints funneled directly to the Bicycle Program (they are no longer being sent to APD) where one of the three parking enforcement officers can field check the designated segment of roadway for vehicles, and write citations to those vehicles that are illegally parked.

Please help us to keep illegally parked cars free of our bicycle lanes so that we may all ride safely and comfortably.

Thank you,

Nadia M. Barrera
Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Coordinator
Department of Public Works
City of Austin


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