You are hereACA presents: Transportation advocate Gil Peñalosa and Shifting Gears
ACA presents: Transportation advocate Gil Peñalosa and Shifting Gears
This month's Austin Cycling Association meeting is gonna be a little something special, as well as at a bit of a different place and time. Full details can be found on the BikeTexas Website (as well as an RSVP link), but here's the gist of it, straight from Eileen, one of Austin's living saints:
A reminder that this month's ACA meeting is Thursday, Feb 3rd from
7-9pm. Come and be inspired to make your city more livable!Shifting Gears - Transportation, Health, and the Built Environment
featuring active transportation expert Gil Peñalosa.Gil Peñalosa is an international expert on livable communities and the
Executive Director of 8-80 Cities. He will present many real-world
examples that show how modest changes to our transportation
infrastructure can have major positive impacts on community health,
traffic congestion, and quality of life in Texas.Full details and rsvp for this free event is on the
site.Eileen Schaubert
ACA Vice-president
This is gonna happen at St. David's Episcopal (301 E. 8th St.) TONIGHT, so don't tarry.
Hair Loss throwaway nut