You are hereBicycle Advisory Council February 2011 meeting: New time, short agenda!

Bicycle Advisory Council February 2011 meeting: New time, short agenda!

By Jason - Posted on 16 February 2011

By Jason - Posted on 16 February 2011

02/17/2011 - 6:00pm

Hey all you politically-minded activist folks! Want an easy in to the City of Austin bike people? Come check out the Bicycle Advisory Council meeting. We're starting to meet at a NEW TIME as of this meeting, so be there at 6PM instead of 6:30. This month's meeting is looking to be pretty short, so between the start time change and the slim agenda if you still want to Social Ride and get crunk you can do some political bidness beforehand and then get on with it...

Items from BAC
• Downtown Austin Plan Update – Tom Wald
• CIP update – Arin Gray

Items from Staff
• Update on North Acres Project – Annick Beaudet
• Robert E. Lee Improvements – Chad Crager

• March 23rd Downtown Bicycle Boulevard Charette

It's always excellent to see new friendly faces at the BAC, and several people who have just decided to "pop in" have ended up sticking around to become members so like Mikey's asshole brother says: "Try it, you'll like it!"

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