You are hereWhole Foods is looking out for us in a big way!
Whole Foods is looking out for us in a big way!
Elliott over at A2W noticed these yesterday, but my friend Sam rolled through earlier today and took a pretty sick picture of the brand new bike repair stations in front of the 6th Street Whole Foods:

Bad fucking ass! So now each end of 6th Street has repair facilities, between the stands here and the one over in front of Bike Texas, near 6th and Chicon. It's good to know that if I ever totally fuck up and don't bring my gear with me, I'm never too far from a spot to air up and get rolling again. Thanks Whole Foods, and thanks for the pic Sam!
Update: Annick (head bike honcho with the CoA, and coincidentally Sam's daughter) just let us know that to install these two workstations the Whole Foods folks REMOVED several racks worth of bike parking, lessening the available street parking in the area by a good percentage. According to Annick they say they'll replace it, but we'll see if that happens or not. Still, I think these workstations are a big win for cyclists.