You are hereCity updates Municipal Court website's Bicycle Fine information. Check it out ya'll!

City updates Municipal Court website's Bicycle Fine information. Check it out ya'll!

By Jason - Posted on 03 March 2011

By Jason - Posted on 03 March 2011

The City of Austin has recently updated their Municipal Court website to include a separate (and updated) list of Bicycle Moving Violations, which includes information on how to deal with tickets when you get them. The City IS increasing their ticketing of cycling traffic violations to bring it more in-line with automotive traffic enforcement, so expect to hear more about friends getting tickets in the immediate future.

Also note that a local advocate heard from the DPS that bicycle traffic violations ARE going to start counting as points against your record, so if you also drive a car and pay insurance this could gravely affect you. Thankfully, the ACA is offering Defensive Cycling courses, which much like defensive driving can drop your fine amount and keep those pesky points off your record. Currently they're only offering one class a month so keep your eyes on their site if you need to take this course and don't skip it!

Bottom line: If a cop sees you breaking the law, they will probably ticket you. Don't be seen, and if you get busted don't bitch about it. Check out the above links and educate yourself on how to deal with the ticket.

The last time I did research, pretty much none of this was illegal. Unsafe move right/left?! There better be a similar fine for car drivers and there better be a LOT of tickets given out for it.


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