You are hereAPB: Stolen childs-size sparkly Mercier. RARE bike!

APB: Stolen childs-size sparkly Mercier. RARE bike!

By Jason - Posted on 08 April 2011

By Jason - Posted on 08 April 2011

I'm a real friendly guy. If you see me out and about you've probably got about an 85% chance of seeing me with a big damn grin on my face, laughing about something or other and having a good time. That being said, if I see ANY motherfucker out riding, walking or even STANDING in close proximity to this bike and you aren't my friend Ruth, well, then you'll get to meet my bad side.

...and really, who wants that? So if you see a black sparkly Mercier in size 44cm (for a 5' tall lady), lock that motherfucker up with something substantial and give me a call at 512-699-1564. If you do recover this bike there's a substantial reward, mucho biker karma points (good for redeeming on flats, free beers at 1am, and the even maybe a lift home some night if you're REALLY throwed and don't want to ride) and my personal gratitude in it for ya.

This is no bueno. Thread on can be seen HERE. I hope you get it recovered.

... there must be some better pictures of her bike somewhere, I've probably taken more than a few myself. (Of course, finding them in all the other pictures may be difficult.)

I keep hearing on CL that locally stolen bikes make it to that flea market in San Antonio, it might be worth a trip ...

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